Insights - Perspectives - Wisdom

Insights - Perspectives - Wisdom


3 years ago

The investments from the Non-Resident Indians (NRIs) have surged in the FY 2021 to $13.3 billion from the earlier estimate of $13.1 billion according to a report published by 360 Realtors. The same report states that the investment volume has climbed upwards by 6.4% compared to the previous financial year despite the pandemic and the buyers’ sentiments plummeting downwards.

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The basics of Home Insurance and why is it important!

3 years ago

Building and owning a home is certainly a dream come true, but the next important question that you need to answer is whether you have taken the measures to protect it. A home insurance protects you from all impending casualties and catastrophes, saving you not only money but giving you financial protection at times of need rendering you safe as well.

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Amazing tips that work to convert your house into a home

3 years ago

It is no wonder that we fully understand a house is a structure of bricks and mortar and a home is made of love and compassion. A house may not be mandatorily a home but it has to be converted into one that you love and long to be in.

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Hidden costs to be aware of during home buying

3 years ago

Home buying is an ardent ordeal that has many facets to look into as it is one of the most expensive outlays that you are going to engage in your lifetime. You may be trying to do everything right but on the day of moving or as the days advance you can confront newer costs that can supersede your budget in all ways.

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10 things to Consider Before Buying an Apartment in Bangalore

3 years ago

Investing in a home or buying an apartment in Bangalore requires one’s whole life’s savings to be invested and so being cautious and careful is inevitable. Legal hassles in real estate are pretty common and so it is not desirable at all to be entangled in such problems for which a preventive measure is necessary.

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All you need to know about the new Model Tenancy Act 2021

3 years ago

Indian rental housing market yield is at just 1% to 3% whereas the developed markets promise a return of about 7% to 8%. There are at present 1.1 crores ready-to-move-in properties or dwelling units in India that are vacant but not available for rent simply because of the legal rigidities in the rental legislations and the worry of disputes and lack of a quick settlement machinery.

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Indian Real Estate in the Pandemic Years

3 years ago

Indian real estate is the second-largest employment generator of the nation with a contribution of about 7% to the country’s GDP which employs the largest number of unskilled labour. With the rapid urbanization, the real estate sector has emerged to be one of the most prospective sectors of the country and the government’s

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Legal Checks you need to do while buying an Apartment in Bangalore

3 years ago

Real estate often entangles people in unnecessary lawsuits and litigations if the legal aspects of a property are ignored or overlooked while in a transaction or during a transfer of property. Examples of such cases are plenty.

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